The Kettering Family Foundation


Request Summaries for the Kettering Family Philanthropies' next grant cycle will be accepted from July 1, 2025 through July 31, 2025. All non-profit organizations applying must submit a Request Summary through this web portal to be considered for a grant.

Those applicants applying to the Kettering Family Foundation must document on the form with whom from Kettering Family Philanthropies and when, they spoke about submitting a proposal. Request Summaries will not be submitted without this information.

Email enquiries to to initiate a conversation.

About Us

The Kettering Family Foundation was founded by Eugene W. Kettering, son of Charles F. Kettering, and his wife Virginia W. Kettering in 1956.

Today, the Foundation supports a broad range of charitable activities of interest to the Board of Trustees, which is composed of members of the Kettering Family.

Funding decisions are driven by the interests of Foundation trustees and the majority of grants are awarded to those non-profit organizations with which the family has a relationship. While the Foundation is open to receiving Request Summaries from any qualified organization, each applicant must have made contact with the Foundation prior to applying.

The Board of Trustees meets biannually (May and November) to make funding decisions. Please review the Application Process below.

Application Process

Grant Guidelines

All prospective applicants to the Kettering Family Foundation must communicate their interest in applying and discuss their proposal with Foundation personnel prior to initiating the application process. Please send an email to to initiate a conversation.

The Kettering Family Foundation (KFF) will consider activities in the following categories:

  • Arts, Culture and Humanities
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Health/Medical
  • Human Services/Public & Society Benefit

Organizations that are not units of government or affiliated with a religious organization must have a current 501(c)(3) determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Fiscal sponsorships will be accepted, but only under special circumstances and prior arrangement must be made before applying. Request Summaries for any of the following purposes are rarely considered.

  • Religious organizations for religious purposes
  • Individual public elementary or secondary schools or public school districts
  • Capital construction
  • Foreign-based or foreign-purpose organizations
  • Local chapters of national organizations
  • Multi-year grants
  • Travel expenses
  • Event sponsorships

Request Summaries will not be accepted for any of the following purposes.

  • Grants or loans to individuals
  • Tickets, advertising or sponsorships of fundraising events
  • Efforts to carry on propaganda or otherwise attempt to influence legislation
  • Activities of 509(a)(3) Type III Supporting Organizations

Application Guidelines

The Foundation administers two grant cycles per year, January through May and July through November. Only one application may be submitted during a twelve-month period.

The application, which is fully website-based, consists of two parts: a Request Summary and an invitation-only Full Proposal. To be considered for a grant, all applicants must submit a Request Summary by January 31 or July 31.

  • Request Summaries are reviewed by the appropriate grant committee and if they are interested in the application, will request a Full Proposal.
  • Invited Full Proposals must be submitted on the website no later than March 15 or September 15.
  • Funding decisions are made in May and November and funded grants will be paid in June and December.
  • Previously supported organizations are eligible to submit a Request Summary for the same or different purpose, if the previous grant has been fully expended, and all required reports have been submitted and accepted by KFP. Should grants be awarded three years in a row, the organization will be asked to take one year off.
  • If you are a first-time applicant, or have not applied since January 1, 2010, follow the link to Create account or login with username & password in the upper right-hand corner of any KFP web page. Your User Name must be your organization’s Employer Identification Number, also known as the Federal Tax Identification Number (without the hyphen). The email address that you enter into the Account information will be the address to which all communications will be sent from KFP.
  • This Account will be your organization’s permanent record with KFP. You will receive an email from KFP confirming your Account information. Save this information for future access to your Account.
  • If you have applied to KFP since January 1, 2010, log in to the Account previously established for your organization. To insure that your contact email address is up to date, click on Account Settings tab in the upper right hand corner of the page. You can also change your password, if you so desire.
  • If you know that your organization has an Account, but you cannot access it, or you are not sure if you have an Account, use the Create account or login with username & password link.
  • After you have accessed or established your Account, click on the Create a Request Summary in the first section of the page.
  • Submit the Request Summary by the due date, either January 31 or July 31. If these dates fall on a weekend or holiday, the information is due the next business day. You will receive an email confirming receipt of your submission.
  • You will be advised by email of the outcome of the Committee’s review in approximately three weeks from the final deadline.
  • If you have received an email inviting you to submit a Full Proposal, access your Account to complete the process. Full Proposals are due March 15 or September 15. If these dates fall on a weekend or holiday, the information is due the next business day. You will receive an email confirming receipt of your submission. You will be contacted if additional information is needed and a site visit may be requested.
  • Notice of approval or denial will be communicated to you within 10 days of the Committee’s meeting. If you are awarded a grant, the chief executive officer of your organization will be required to sign a Grant Recipient Agreement that outlines the duties and responsibilities of being a grant recipient. Generally, grants are paid within 45 days of the Committee’s meeting.
  • Faxed, mailed or hand-delivered Request Summaries and Full Proposals will not be accepted.
  • In summary , all communications from KFP will be sent to the email address listed in your Account information. You can expect emails informing you that:
  1. Your Account has been established
  2. Your Request Summary has been received
  3. Your Request Summary has been denied or you have been invited to submit a Full Proposal
  4. Your Full Proposal has been received
  5. Your Full Proposal has been denied
  6. A grant has been awarded

To ensure that our emails are not deleted or moved to your Spam or Junk Mail folder, add our email address,, to your safe sender list. If you are not receiving our communications, please contact us
Please read these Helpful Hints before you begin to fill out the application form.

Grant History

During the last three calendar years, The Kettering Family Foundation paid a total of $18,460,944 to charitable organizations throughout the United States, primarily where family members reside.

2024 Grants Paid by Category

Arts/Culture/Humanities       $1,630,000

Education                                  $1,549,000

Environment                             $899,000

Health/Medical                        $1,480,000

Human Services                       $1,362,000

Public/Society Benefit            $19,000     



Grants Paid by Category: 2022 – 2024

Arts/Culture/Humanities         $4,441,250    (23%)

Education                                    $4,042,500   (21%)

Environment                               $2,228,392     (11%)

Health/Medical                              $3,692,000   (19%)

Human Services                          $4,750,000   (24%)

Public/Society Benefit              $541,500        (3%)

                                                               $19,695,642  (100%)

To review financial information about The Kettering Family Foundation, click this link to Guidestar